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Judy Farah welcomes all levels of sadhakas (students) to her Yoga classes, from beginners to advanced. Yoga has been an integral part of Judy’s life since the age of 18.  She has been teaching since 2000 and has travelled to Pune in India many times to study directly under her Guru BKS Iyengar, his daughter Geetaji and his son Prashantji. 


Judy’s ongoing svadhyaya (self-study) has inspired her to attend many local and international seminars with senior Iyengar teachers, all directly qualified by Guru BKS Iyengar. Her studies also include a six-year medical/remedial Yoga course with Stephanie Quirk.


Presently Judy holds her Intermediate Senior 1 certificate and as much as she loves to teach and share with others, she is fully devoted to continually expand her knowledge of Yoga to ever more subtle levels of understanding. 


Besides teaching regular classes in the peaceful and beautiful environment of her studio in the Little Glen Camps Bay, Judy also hold retreats in various locations around Africa.

"Though man demarcates body, mind and soul, it is impossible to pinpoint where the body ends and the mind begins, or where the mind ends and the Self begins. They are interwoven and interrelated by the string of intelligence." - BKS Iyengar
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Gerda Genis

Gerda Genis found Iyengar yoga whilst in her late 40s, looking for an alternative to high impact exercise and a release from her career stress as a pre-eminent photographer.


Curiosity, openness, and clarity of mind are the salient elements of Gerda’s approach to life. Yoga brings her a sense of groundedness and a quiet lightness. These qualities she integrates seamlessly into her teaching, guiding her students towards a unified integration of body, breath and mind.


Her journey started with Iyengar yoga teacher, Judy Farah, who eventually became her mentor during teacher training. Her interest in the deeper understanding of the practise and philosophy surrounding yoga was sparked by a conference in 2003 with world renowned teacher, Geeta Iyengar, the daughter of BKS Iyengar.


2005 marked the start of her teacher-journey and she currently holds a Level 2 Teaching Certificate in Iyengar Yoga.


Master-classes in India during 2013 with the Iyengars and since with various Iyengar teachers across the world, provides daily inspiration to continue her svadyaya (self-study) with ongoing enthusiasm. This deepened focus allows her to viscerally feel the freedom gained by the discipline of precise alignment.


Gerda deeply honours her teachers and her teachers’ teachers, as they remain her guiding light and the key to her exploration of the yogic path.


She welcomes all levels of yoga to her classes and offers private lessons by individual arrangement.



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"Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better your practise, the brighter the flame." - BKS Iyengar

The Little Glen, off Blinkwater Rd

Camps Bay

Cape Town

South Africa




Judy +27 (0)82 825 6792

Gerda +27 (0)83 252 0640





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